Sunday, August 14, 2011

Reflections of our group

Our group wanted to invent a special aid that can help to conserve water initially, however, the idea was rejected by our project mentor so we decided to come up with another useful invention. One of the expert mentor brought up this problem when hanging clothes to us we came up with an invention to solve this serious problem since it concerns the life and death of the users. The goal we had in mind when we embarked on this project was inventing something useful that can overcome the problem of the current bamboo pole. We are aware of the disadvantages and the inconvenience of the bamboo pole so we decided to come up with something safer, more convenient and efficient than the bamboo pole. We used a software called 3Ds Max to draft the design of our prototype so that we can have an idea of how it is going to look like and how it is going to function and last but not least, its effectiveness. This software is beneficial and useful as it allows us to portray a vivid image of our prototype which facilitates in the making of the prototype later. We discussed and brainstormed for ideas to solve this problem and we evaluated the effectiveness and feasibility of each solution proposed, then best solution will then become our invention. These strategies helped us to identify the best solution to the problem and it also allows us to come up with a better invention by being able to visualize it more clearly and building up on our peers’ ideas and suggestions. The criterias we use to evaluate the effectiveness of our invention are the amount of wet clothes the invention is able to hold on to and the safety level of our invention as well as the convenience when collecting clothes. This is what makes our invention different from the bamboo pole as ours is safe to use and convenient. In order to gather information, we asked some housewives and maids about the problem and we find out how this problem affects the users. Besides, we did online research and found cases about people falling down from the window when collecting clothes using bamboo pole. These methods helped us to realize how important it is for this problem to be solved as soon as possible and the extent of the problem. We did some research using the internet and visited supermarkets to find solutions available in the market and we managed to evaluate the different solutions available and came up with an invention that is better. The greatest challenge we faced during design process is the choice of materials used. We had to plan carefully on the materials used so that the invention will not be too heavy and unstable. We went to hardware shops and looked through the different pipes available and we managed to choose the suitable materials for the design. My teammates and I listened carefully to each other’s suggestion which might prove to be useful. We are always willing to accept each other’s suggestion and we work harmoniously among each other by avoiding unnecessary quarrels which might affect the relationships and hamper the progress of the project. We often have meetings to discuss about the project and to build the prototype. During the holidays, we met up more frequently with the team mates to build the prototype and improvise it. We also met up with our project mentors often to speed up the progress of the project and to ensure that the project is on the right path and also to update the project mentor on the group’s progress. We also distribute the workload effectively among ourselves so that each group mate contributed and none of us had to spend too much time on it. If we had more time to do the project, we will definitely add more information into the inventor’ log and beautify the website and of course, improve on the aesthetic of the prototype and improvise it to make it even more convenient as currently, it is a bit challenging to insert the pole into the hole on the extended side especially with heavy loads. We learned about the mechanism behind the

invention and it was fun sawing pipes and connecting them together with nuts and bolts. This invention honed our problem solving skills and it also gave us a chance to showcase my creativity and invent something practical. It also helped us to work well as a team and to avoid conflicts of ideas and also to communicate effectively as a team. The invention process can be applied in the future in projects or tasks that require us to work as a team. Especially when we grow up when we work with our colleagues, we will be able to work well with them and do our job well. The thinking process involved in the invention will help us in the future to generate problems and solutions and improves our future problem solving skills. This will help us to foresee problems and come up with solutions or responses to the problems.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Last Meeting for Semi Finals

Today was our last meeting before the Semi-Finals tomorrow. We rehearse our slides once more and look for possible flaws in our slides.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Semi-Finals Meeting

Today, we finalise our slides and prepare some possible questions that the judges may ask. We also meet with the mentor.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

June Holiday Third Meeting

Today, we meet again to make the prototype with metal. This will be the real prototype for our projects day. After last meeting, we were more careful this time and more experienced. As such, we made the prototype with ease. We also started on the powerpoint slides.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

June Holiday Second Meeting

Today, we did the prototype using plastic materials. It's just a mock up to familiarize ourselves. We meet with some problems like sawing and drilling holes. However, we got help from our neighbour who showed the correct and safe way to saw and drill holes. We finished making the plastic prototype and we bought materials for the next meeting.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

June Holiday

Before the holidays, we meet with the expert mentor who gave us the suggestion above. We had decided to add one more pole below that creates two joints. This will ensure more safety as we do not have to lean our bodies over the window anymore.
Today, we meet at Tiet Gan's house to discuss and do the 3D sketches for our prototype. The pictures are all above. We also bought materials for the following meeting, which we would do the prototype.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mentor meeting

Yesterday we met up with our mentor, she suggested that we should start on the building on the actual prototype so that we can start finding potential flaws earlier. She also suggested that we MUST have numbers to convince people that our project is workable. E.g. average weight of clothes pole, energy saved, etc.

We will calculate the figures as soon as possible

More pictures

This is our finished mockup prototype. It is still in its early stages and we are going to make a real prototype in the near future

The objective of this mockup is to show the concept of our prototype so that we can visualise it. also it gives us a chance to spot potential flaws in it.

A potential flaw would be the wear pivot, thus we have decided to upgrade into a high quality and heavy duty pivot. also the shock absorbing stopper is somewhat too soft and the poles cause it to droop down. We decided to change the material to hard rubber compound.

Our mentor also suggested that we should add a rubber lining at the tip of the housing to prevent cutting of the poles.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Building of a mockup for testing

We started building a mockup to test the principles of our invention.

Materials used:
Metal L shaped braces
Wooden Plank
PVC tubes
PVC glue

Total cost: $15

Idea concept

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Final meeting

Today, our group meet up to finalise our project and also rehearse our slides. We thought of possible methods to improve our project too. We also consult our mentor to make any last minute changes.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Change of idea

Our final decision at the end is to change the idea, as we find the project not feasible at all and after meeting with our mentor, our mentor suggests us to change idea before it's too late.
Thus, we change to the idea: Bamboo Housing.

The idea was actually inspired by Sheng Xiang, whose mother had problem keeping the bamboo poles due to her back pain. Thus we thought of this idea to lessen the movement and make it more safe for the housewives/maids to keep the bamboo.

The idea works with a pivot joint at the end of the housing. By pulling the bamboo towards us with the help of the fulcrum, less force is needed and we need not bend our body over to keep the bamboo.

We then send an email to our mentor for confirmation.

Verge of changing idea

After more meetings with the mentor and consideration, we decided to adapt our invention due to some faults.
-Problems in building on an industrial scale
-Doubt its liability on an industrial scale
-Use for camping trips instead
-Convenience as you can bring 2 in 1

On motor home trips, electricity is nessessary. If the motor home is not parked at an RV park, it has to use a generator to power amenities (engine).
-With our invention, it can help to lessen burden on engine and do no waste fuel
-Can generate power on the way


After some serious consideration, we emailed our mentor and found possible problems.
-Expensive and hard to make (large)
-Problem with wiring

Solar panel system no longer turns with the windmill, blades increase efficiency of the windmill enclosed inside.

Our first idea

Our group meet up and came up with the idea of 2-in-1 generator. Basically it works like the picture above.

The 2 forms of generating electricity will be soldered into a series to maximise the voltage. It will be stored in batteries.

Application: Office buildings to save on electrical bills. On the roof of high rises to maximise roof space. Lessen burden of the offices.