Sunday, June 19, 2011

June Holiday Third Meeting

Today, we meet again to make the prototype with metal. This will be the real prototype for our projects day. After last meeting, we were more careful this time and more experienced. As such, we made the prototype with ease. We also started on the powerpoint slides.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

June Holiday Second Meeting

Today, we did the prototype using plastic materials. It's just a mock up to familiarize ourselves. We meet with some problems like sawing and drilling holes. However, we got help from our neighbour who showed the correct and safe way to saw and drill holes. We finished making the plastic prototype and we bought materials for the next meeting.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

June Holiday

Before the holidays, we meet with the expert mentor who gave us the suggestion above. We had decided to add one more pole below that creates two joints. This will ensure more safety as we do not have to lean our bodies over the window anymore.
Today, we meet at Tiet Gan's house to discuss and do the 3D sketches for our prototype. The pictures are all above. We also bought materials for the following meeting, which we would do the prototype.